2021 Holiday Gift Exchange

The 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange Program is designed to mimic a Secret Santa gift exchange. To participate:

  1. Entry to the 2021 Holiday Gift Exchange is $10 to help offset cost of the program. 
  2. Enter the patients name, age, address, and your contact email to be entered.
  3. On December 3, we will draw names out of the hat deciding who will send who a PFIC Bracelet and a card.
  4. You will receive an email from lisa@pfic.org letting you know who you bought for and where they are from.
  5. Your gift and card should arrive before December 25!

*PFIC Network will take care of sending all gifts*

*Deadline to enter is November 30th*

The gift that will be sent is a PFIC Network bracelet (shown here) and a special holiday card. After entering, all the work you need to do is done!

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